Why I am running for Village Trustee . . . .

As you consider casting your vote during our non-partisan, local election on April 2nd (or frankly, during any election), I ask you to ask yourself, . . . .

“ Why is each candidate for Village Trustee running for office and how are they funding their run for Trustee ? ”

At the end of the day, this may be one of the most important questions to ask during any election season.

Why am I running for Village Trustee . . . .

Serving the people of Mount Prospect as a Village Trustee has been one of the greatest honors of my life.  I serve for two reasons …. for “love’ of our community and to help keep Mount Prospect a great  place to live, work, and raise a family.

I have served our community as a Village Trustee for 28 years for no reason other than to be “Your Voice in Village Government.  My goal is to make Mount Prospect the kind of community that our citizens want it to be and to work to keep taxes low, keep costs down, provide high quality services, keep our property values strong, provide an open and honest form of government, and ultimately to meet the wants and needs of our citizens.

Above all, please keep in mind that I am a non-partisan, independent, self-funded candidate with no ties to any political parties, groups, or individuals.  I only answer to  you, the citizens of Mount Prospect.   Believe me when I say,  I have only our best interests in mind at all times.

I am an experienced local representative committed to keeping Mount Prospect a great place to live, work and raise a family. 

Paul Wm. Hoefert, Your Mount Prospect Village Trustee